Lassen Sie uns Klarheit schaffen darüber, was in den Kellern der Hersteller von biologischen und natürlichen Weinen geschieht.
Ist ein biologischer Wein ein natürlicher Wein?
Es herrscht große Verwirrung, das Gesetz schafft keine Klarheit.
Tatsächlich ist Wein ein absolut besonderes Lebensmittelprodukt, anscheinend betrachtet es das Europagesetz als natürlich unabhängig von dem, was wir als Produzenten in Kellerei hineingeben können.
On the back label we only have to write contains sulfites and peace reigns sovereign throughout the ancient continent, it seems that at least on the specifications to be reported on the wine bottle, Europe is united.
If then the winemaker uses added yeasts for fermentation, yeast nutrients, acid correctors, stabilizers, added tannins, Arabic gum, clarifiers or other additives, beyond the fact that the consumer drinks them or not, it is not imposed and not even politely asked to indicate it on the back label.
Fortunately, yes! But it may not be enough.
All organic and natural wine products have the Bio label on the package that contains them, this guarantees the consumer better product health standards. But even in organic wine we could find, for example, added tannins to improve its body. In this way, the consumer can drink a full-bodied and interesting wine with the belief of drinking natural wine.
Ah yes, Natural…
We were talking about organic, aren't they the same thing?
We have come to the point, if you are looking for a natural wine made as it was before or you have a grandfather who is still a farmer, it will be difficult to have guarantees about it, because even in the production of organic wine all the above products are allowed as long as they are certified organic.
Once upon a time, the chemistry used in the countryside was not as aggressive as it is now, so wine could be produced with the yeasts that are naturally in the grapes.
A natural wine is a wine produced in spontaneous fermentation, that is without added yeasts. The fermentations obtained in this way are tendentially longer than those induced with added yeasts, and the advantage is, in our opinion, a much greater extraction of color from the skins.
All you need to make a great wine is in nature.
Unfortunately, to make wine like in the past, you have to work in the countryside like in the past and consequently roll up your sleeves like our farmer grandfather used to do at that time.
A natural wine is the fruit of passion first and foremost. Passion can be perceived, having this information will help you ask the right questions to the producer you will meet.
The rest we leave to your sensitivity, because there is no natural wine certification yet, although biodynamic certification should be part of it.
Roberto Falzari