

Author's wine

Author's wine

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Author's wine: the transposition of an artwork across the rows.

Once I was sipping a glass of wine with the owner of a trendy restaurant. Suddenly it came to me to say, “Isn't it special?” Puzzled, this person looked at me and asked, “What does it mean?”. Right away I understood that I needed to describe it. Without giving me time to say a word, he went on saying, “No wine is special, unless you know what to say about it”.
He left me there with my cup of wine - it got me thinking. He was right. Should I meet him again, I would thank him. Actually, I had used that term to hide the fact that I didn't quite like it. Sometimes we say something is special, when we don't take the responsibility for not knowing about it.

Author's wine

Nowadays, at this time of revolution and evolution, many people discover a passion for wine-tasting and many adjectives get to be associated to the noun “wine”. Conventional, natural, organic, premium, rare, collectible. One of them fascinates me the most - Author's Wine. It's as if a transposition of an artwork crossed the rows, got dirty with the earth and after a more or less long period of time, ended up in the frame of a bottle. Well, that's just the way it is. The winemakers are the artists who know the colors of their grapes and will get the right one for the picture they've always wanted to paint. They are passionate, unpredictable and maybe even outside the box, free from their fathers' conventions.

Author's Wine

In most cases, they have small productions because their masterpieces can't be for everyone on a massive scale. Maybe the vinyards are situated in the most unlikely places, but that's their beauty. Then you go and look for them like crazy, by word of mouth. Sometimes you hear a voice say, How did you find me? That's when you enter their world. Then, if you are lucky enough to get to know them better, you will see that their creations are the translation of their character, blended with the surroundings. Their description of their wine is very different from a datasheet. It looks a lot more like a song by a singer-songwriter where words translate emotions. That's why when you happen to have one of their bottles and you want to drink it, you want to take all your time. Sip after sip, smell - knowing that there will be nothing left of that piece of art but a cork and a glass container.

Everything else will live long in your memory.

Gisella Fuochi
Passalrosso blogger