Biodynamic farming brings balance and harmony in a subtle way, and as a consequence, in a big way, over the land and on the plants. It is thus necessary to be able to rely on intangible, yet equally balanced elements, with regard to those who carry out these methods and the places and environments in which they are applied.
Our aim is to bring together the knowledge of organics with that of the spiritual reality of Damanhur, the federation of communities to which we belong. For over thirty years Damanhûr has carried out experiments in the communication with the vegetable world, collaborating with universities and research scientists in many different Countries. Damanhurians consider plants to be intelligent beings with whom it is possible to communicate and exchange emotions, thus creating a harmonious, conscious relationship. According to the Damanhurian philosophy, the friendship between human beings and plants can allow us to recover ancient knowledge; over the years this has fallen into oblivion but is essential if the human mind is to properly evolve. It is for this very reason, in addition to the research on communication with the plant world, that the Damanhurians also foster a global project by the name of Tree orientation - which favours the alignment of plants with a frequency shared by human beings - , in order to bring closer these two worlds which are still so far apart.
Harmony and balance
Our ultimate desire as wine growers is to create a union and relationship with plants to communicate and collaborate with them so that they can express themselves fully, in harmony and balance with the earth, the celestial powers and human beings, in other words with the All. For us, the earth is sacred and should be fully respected in order for life to be expressed. We strive to allow this union of earth and plants to regain prime importance in agriculture. We try to understand, interpret and meet the needs of plants in the certainty that they will repay us with the finest, richest fruits and release their heady bouquet and flavour into the wine produced, which evokes a joyful, harmonious life.